Career Counseling

Balance offers Career Counseling in an individualized, focused process that aims for the student to get to know himself/herself better, get to know his/her abilities, interests and personality so he/she can make better decisions when choosing their area of studies.

Our process involves in depth-interviews, personality, interests and abilities assessments, and a working session reviewing syllabus and contents on targeted programs.

High School to Undergraduate

When you start thinking about which career to choose for your undergraduate studies, when you don’t know which University to choose, whether in México, in the States or elsewhere this is the right process for you.


Undergraduate to Graduate

When you have finished or are about to finish your undergraduate studies and wish to pursue a graduate study degree: specialty, diploma, master, or you just want to know how to initiate your career path, job search and where to focus, this is the right process for you.
